This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Jean Gayle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Jean Gayle"
> I do not know if this is the "mule" method but if a
> horse starts getting
> pushy and crowding me I carry a small block of wood
> with a nail protruding
> about an inch, good sized so it does not pierce the
> skin, and press it
> against the horse.  They rapidly get the idea that
> to get up against  her is
> painful.  It does not come across as punishment as
> they do not see the nail.

Hmmm. Sounds a bit like the old 'hot potato in the
jacket sleeve for a horse that bites' trick!  Have
used the nail bit to teach a horse not to crowd me in
the stall also.

> Jean
> Jean Gayle
> Aberdeen, WA
> [Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
> Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
> Barnes & Noble Book Stores

Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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