This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


i have a question for you fjord trainers out there.   i have a great horse.
he's a fjord or course.  he is just three.  when i take him out on the
trails around here he weaves and bobs like a drunken sailor.  my trainer
says it is just his age and to keep working with him, eventually he'll get
the idea that it is easier to go in a straight line rather that trying to
cover every inch of  the trail.  what if any opinions do you all have on
this?  today we went down to a lake very close to my house.  lake pardee.
(kmac will know this one).  he did great overall; did'nt freak at oncoming
horse traffic, hikers etc. he just makes it so much work for me.  i want to
relax.  it is like he has to see everything, check it out and then drift off
the trail to see more.  exasperating!!!!!  my husband has a push button
horse  coming 13 year old, and she and he just cruise.  HELP!!!!!  denise in
mokelumne hill, calif.

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