This message is from: "Lisa Schieler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am sorry to hear about the tumor. Take care. You will be
in my thoughts. 


On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 13:51:54 -0500
 "Deb Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Deb Williams"
>     Just heard from the vet.  The West Nile vaccine
> is$18.00 a pop.  Each
> will need min. 2 on board and they are suggesting a 3rd
> later in the year. I
> guess that's the price of peace of mind here.
>     What's this running other places??
>      On another note:   I will be out of touch for a
> while.  I have a (most
> likely benign) brain tumor and will be having surgery
> next week. This isn't
> expected to be a big deal procedure, easily accessible
> and not involving any
> major stuff like speech and hearing or movement.  Just no
> riding or barn
> chores for a while. not being able to play with babies
> will be the worst
> part.
> Debi Williams
> Williams Hill Fjords
> Waterford, Pa
> Home of Tolgar,Tanja, Rosie, Belle,Hilda and Beckett( +3
> soon)

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