This message is from: Arthur and Carol Rivoire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

Just a few points to clear up -

The horses we import are all duly registered with the Dutch Fjord Studbook,
and come with their official Passport, which has a 3 generation pedigree
printed, includes a DNA certtificate, Dutch Registraion number, and
microchip barcode.  ---  The official Dutch Passport is set up for only 3
generations.  However, if I wanted 5 generations, I could ask for it and
get it.  

AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'LL DO IN THE FUTURE because it annoys the hell
out of me to see a pedigree certificate not fully filled in, particularly
since I know the information is there for the asking. 

SUGGESTION #1 - Please remind us from time to time that it is the owner's
responsibility to obtain a completed pedigree to the 4th and 5th
generations . . . if they want a completed NFHR ped. cert.    Speaking
personally, it is easy to forget this detail when importing horses.

SUGGESTION #2  Perhaps the Registrar could contact the owner if and when he
finds a pedigree that's going to have holes in it to the 5th generation.
If the horse is an imported horse, then it's simple for the owner to get
the information.  Mike can provide the necessary phone and fax numbers.  

SUGGESTION #3 -  It seems the simplest of all would be for the Registrar to
contact his counterpart office and request information he needs.
Every new bit of pedigree informatioin that goes in the NFHR computers
makes ours a better registry  . . . in my opinion.  

Another benefit would be to have the various Registries maintain a good
working relationship with each other.

Regards,  Carol Rivoire 

Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

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