This message is from: M Korose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yeah, I'm behind, 2-3 digests as usual.  I also noted
this aloofness in just about every Fjord, I think they
are careful about where they put their trust at first.
 None of ours have had bad experiences (that I know)
but I am now used to giving them a little time to get
to know the rest of the herd (that goes faster than
the human part of the herd) and before we ask anything
of them.  I start right out with my usual
barn/stall/crosstie/trailer etiquette, that is
expected, but try to spend some time "getting to know"
a new fjord and they turn around slowly.  Takes couple
weeks to couple months (hard core guy, that one) and
then you are cheerfully accepted and bugged as one of
the herd.  I do love this as my previous horses
(Thorobreds) were never interested in humans other
than as a feed source.  All this Fjord
talking/wuffling/noises are great.
Marsha in sunny warm VA, why do I have to work?, to
pay the feed bills, of course. 
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