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And I'm here ... doing a lot of fun-work with my Fjordie.
On Saturday he stopped in front of the American soldiers who had to guard
the military area here. And there he said, until here and no further step
... The soldiers were laughing. Ok, I climbed into the saddle and my horsie
is walking. On the way back he cried for his new friend which we met in the
forrest. The soldiers had something to laugh. On Sunday they had there
photos with them to picture my horse ... So, if you know one of this
soldiers and this one show you a picture from a German Fjord which amused
the soldiers ... that is my Fjord (and the one with the very red face
trying to hide herself behind the horse - that's me)  ...
And what has this funny horse doing yesterday? I cleaned him, needed just 1
hour to see a Fjord under the mud. And just when I have cleaned his face,
he got his head out of the halter and galopped away - through the deepest
mud, throwing it also on myself. And with this outfit we had to go to the
forrest. And everyone was laughing ...
with this humorous Fjord

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