This message is from: Pat Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Sue:
I know my prayers are with you.  I hope that whatever the final diagnosis is,
you have the strength to make it.  I know that I will be pulling for you.  I
know the love of  these fjords helps to up anyone's attitude.  I have a bad day
at work and I go home an hug Lena and look into those soft brown eyes and the
problems seem small.
pat wilson


> This message is from: "SUSAN L GIARGIARI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Listers!
> Way to go Dave McWethy!  You girls with the 4 IN Hand are having way too
> much fun!! Maybe some day we can do a 4 IN Hand Stick Drill team at
> Libby????
> Peg...........I have the pictures and will hold them for
> know what I am talking about...............LOL..........!!!
> It was great to see some of you in NY! And in VT! The NY Show was lots of
> fun and is definitely on our list of shows for every year! The VT Show was
> also a great time! Thanks to everyone who helped! Without Deb Stevens and
> Joanne Goble, there would have been no show!! The dinner/auction was fun(I
> hope Marcy & Susan will always be there to do it!!) , with the exception
> that I had to say a few words for the NFHR! Hope I didn't say too many
> "ums........" . In all seriousness, please consider if you would like to run
> for the Board of Directors. It is a wonderful bunch of fjord fjolks(LOL) and
> a way to give back to the breed! Don't be intimidated! If I can do
> can you!
> You can nominate yourself, hint , hint, to the lovely little JR Champion
> from the NY Show! Put in your nomination, we would love to have a young teen
> learn all about the importance of the Registry and how we all work together.
> The common interest being the love of the Fjord Horse!
>    If you all can believe this or not..........we have our closing date for
> August 17. Yep.........I packed my first box yesterday.......sheets........I
> have all the boxes stacked in the kitchen and livingroom and Dick has put
> sides on a big flatbed and backed it up to the livingroom door, below the
> attic window........time to throw away what I haven't needed in the last 23
> years...........unless of course it has to do with childhood memories!!
>     Sue S....... so glad to hear how good you are doing!! We were worried
> about you ! Glad your little guy is doing so well also!
>     I would like to ask for you all to have good thoughts for me as we go
> thru the next few weeks with the move and having a medical diagnosis done. I
> experienced numbness in my toes on the ride to VT on Thursday and as the
> weekend progressed, my left side of my body became numb. Felt like it was
> asleep. I know I looked funny dragging my leg in the arena! Man! Was that
> sand deep!!! By Sunday nite, the right leg felt the same also. Having fallen
> down the stairs in February and my hip still bothering me, I had hoped that
> it would have to do with that. I had an MRI today on my lower back and
> brain. There are abnormalities in the brain that are consistent with MS.
> Some of my health history is also consistent. I see a neurologist on Monday
> or Tuesday and will do more testing, but my Doctor was very concerned and
> knew that I was and called as soon as they read the MRI. I do have a very
> good outlook and know that there are all different levels of this disease,
> and have a great faith in God, that he won't dish out anymore than I can
> handle!!:-)  Maybe it will be something else, but the Dr. was pretty sure.
> You all are such an inspiring group of people that I wanted to share this
> personal journey with you and receive the strength that you give to the
> members in times when they need it. I need it right now. I understand what
> Sue S. means when she says that she goes back to read some of the letters
> written by us to her. Isn't it amazing how we have all been connected by
> this little brown dun pony! I have never met such a warm, caring group of
> folks!  I know to take it one day at a time, having learned from Richard's
> illness and will continue to do so.  Thanks for letting me ramble on! Sue g.

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