This message is from: "Patryjak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Jord,

I'm really enjoying hearing your stories. My mom doesn't know about mowing
hay.  We get to go for walks around the fields and property together with
our bipeds. I can go on the leading thing now, but they don't drive yet, so
nothing follows us to make noise. You sound very brave. Please tell Sara
thank you for taking your dictation.

All these strangers keep stopping by here to ask questions about who we are
and where we came from, too. I like all the visitors, and my bipeds keep
saying they'll never get the chores done with all the attention. Uncle Tomas
looks very handsome with his neatly trimmed mane, but mom wants to put a bag
over her head. She says the bipeds need to get the weed wacker out and have
at it. She's embarrased to have all these visitors seeing her so overgrown!
My mane is all fuzzy and curly...when can I get a trim?
Well, thanks again for your stories, looking forward to more. Oh, and
remember, when you learn to cross the road to stop look and listen to mom,
dad and the biped.

Lidamir in Michigan,
where I'm covered with mud this morning! Mmmm, what fun!

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