This message is from: B.R. Jord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well.......... haven't posted lately. This typing thing is still kind of
hard. Been hanging out with mom, on the hillside. You know, just running
around, eating a little grass, drinking milk whenever. The bipeds have
been at it again. This young one, I think you bipeds call them teenagers,
tried to put a halter on me. Ha! that was easy - just kept Mom between me
& her. Then that really bothersome one, you know, the one that messes
with my feet, ears, rubs me ALL over, got in the act. Well, to make a
long story short I was busted! He put some kind of thing on my nose &
behind my ears. Man did I pull back! Didn't do any good. Then I quit
pulling back & the pressure behind my ears quit. Guess that's all he
wanted. Not rocket science. Then he asked me to follow him. I thought "
Why you son of a .... ", whoops,  Mom heard that. Well maybe this
following crap is better than a spanking. So, off I went. Besides Mom was
on a rope behind that girl, so.... I followed. Piece of cake. 

We went up a hill & stopped by this metal thing( mom said it was a
"car"). There was this really nice old lady in it. She held a hand out &
said how cute I was. So I went over there & she wanted to touch  me. Man,
these humans can't keep their hands to themselves. Then Mom & I got to
eat some REALLY good green grass. Pretty soon the girl put Mom in a
really big box. Looked easy so I went in too. Mom said it was a "trailer"
& nothing to stress over. So we went in & out about a million times. Must
be a BIPED thing, I don't know. 

Today a  really noisy, squeally horse came in here with Mom & me . He
chases her ALL over. Man she is really kicking him hard. He is either
REALLY stupid or he likes to get kicked.  Mom told me he was my dad. 
She said he would only be here for a few weeks then he was going to an
auction, whatever that is. He hasn't even said hi to me, all he does is
chase Mom around. Wow,  he can really take a hit! 

Well, Mom's calling me. Gotta go.  


Brass Ring's Jord       
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