This message is from: "Debby Stai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yuck, rainrot.  We're having a heck of a time getting some scratches in
control in the lower front legs of one of our guys that is at school with
college daughter.  I'm bringing him home and letting my vet here take over as
I don't think they know what they are doing, and now the horse is a nervous
wreck from the picking and picking and picking at him.  I know the scabs need
to come off but all in good time.  I've talked with several vets and they
think it can live in the soil at some facilities, I believe it as this barn
has horses that when they get a cut or a booboo, they get some scab/scratches.
He'd brought it home with him last summer, we got it squared away and now he
has it again, has since November.  Thank God she graduates and he doesn't have
to go back there.  We'd dealt with rainrot with a horse years ago, our first
introduction, a bad bad case, he lost all of the hair on his backend.  Would
never let one of my guys go through that again.

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