This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This discussion of wolf teeth in mares is rather interesting. My mare has these funny little teeth next to the last of her incisors that I had never seen before in another horse. I got the "tooth fairy" out -- that's the horse dentist -- and he told me they were wolf teeth. He said only about 5% of mares have wolf teeth. Then he told me a story of why that is. This, of course, may just be a story or there may be some truth to it, so take it for what it's worth.

He said years ago (I think about 5,000) when the Egyptians were selectively breeding horses, they decided wolf teeth were un-feminine, so bred them out of their mares. And that's why few mares today have wolf teeth.

Now this may be an interesting factoid or entirely fiction, but I've taken the theory a step further after seeing all the posts about wolf teeth being not uncommon in Fjord mares. Perhaps wolf teeth are more common in Fjord mares because Fjords are closer to the primitive horse rather than the selectively bred animals (I assume Arabs). Anybody like that theory? Bear in mind, it's been formulated and typed on a couple of glasses of Penfolds Bin 389. :^) (hic)

Chew on that.  (Tooth pun intended.)



From: "John Rooker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wolf Teeth, Fall Coats and
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 11:20:25 -0400

This message is from: "John Rooker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Vili, our one and only Fjord, just had two wolf teeth removed a week ago.

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On 9/4/02 at 11:09 PM Cheryl Beillard wrote:

>This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hi all .. I have a question for everyone regarding the prevalence of wolf
>in the fjord population.  I have just had the vet check two horses (2 and
>3 yr
>old mares) and both have small wolf teeth erupting which I will have pulled
>before they are started this fall in their driving program.  This is the
>fjord (of 7) which have had these teeth and my vet seems to think that
>this is a
>high percentage?  So I'm wondering what the general experience has been
>the several hundred fjord owners/breeders on the List?  Do you check, and
>often have you found your horses to have them.  And do you have them
>Neither of the two trainers I use will accept a horse with wolf teeth ..
>re the fall coats .. of my 6, one 2 yr old and this year's foal, have both
>started to get their winter coats .. the others remain smooth and glossy.
>would be interesting to know if they follow the same pattern, ie early or
>in shedding or growing coats, from year to year.
>One other minor brag, for the breed as a whole, .. the same foal -- which
>Jones and I have agreed to name Julie's Yggdrasil (Flotren x Bragda) - 4
>had to undergo vaccinations and a Coggins test this morning, for which he
>quite calmy (albeit with a bucket o of grain under his nose and someone
>his back) .. and the vet said she didn't believe that any other breed
>could be
>so easy to work with and so calm in response to this type of stress ..
>most of
>the babies she sees fly all over the stall at the first jab .. this boy
>has all
>of Bragda's spirit and then some, but clearly an equally strong does of
>sense and trust in us .. we were so proud of him and I know that if Julie
>up to reading the List, she'd be proud of him too. Watch out world, this
>going to be one nice horse when he grows up!

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