This message is from: "Pasqual, Patricia A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well I haven't been able to ride or drive this summer due to medical reasons, 
but my boys have stepped right in!  My (formerly) non-horsey husband Chris has 
been taking lessons, and is now so comfortable that he is trail riding on his 
own, and goes out several times a week to do something with Elph.  Recently my 
son also started taking lessons, last night was his third.  The trainer sets up 
a course with a tiny caveletti, cones, and logs, and Cullen and Elph go at it!  
All the obstacles keep both horse and son interested.  Cullen has had lessons 
in the past, but this trainer is so superior to any other we have had, and 
Elph's training has gotten to the point where he has become a very good lesson 
horse.  He seems to really enjoy working with Cul; maybe it's that Cul is 
light, athletic (balanced), but also doesn't let him get away with anything 
(how did he learn that so fast?)

I'm really proud of them! Cul said last night "I think I want to ride in that 
show next year!" so I'm hoping that next summer at Blue Earth we will have the 
full range of showing Elph off, with me driving, Cul doing Jr Riding, and Chris 
doing the Adult Riding.  I can dream!

All in all a good summer, though not the way I thought it would be.

One more idea for Patti and her problem horse:  have someone whose horse sense 
you trust observe as you work with the horse.  Have them say out loud what they 
are seeing as the horse moves, and is exposed to different things (ears, eyes, 
gait, tenseness), and also write notes so you remember everything.  Also, can 
you put the saddle on and put some weight on it (like tie a bag of grain or dog 
food) and see if that causes a problem?  I would be curious to know if the 
spooking happens in a round pen situation (being exposed to different 
"spookies") with no one on his back.  GOOD LUCK!

Congrats to all the successful showing, and the just plain old fun-having with 
Fjords (swimming sounds hysterical, I want to try that)

Linda Lotti and Kirstin - I saw Fikken at the state fair, but didn't see you!

Tish and Elph in Minneapolis
With perfect weather - sunny, blue sky, fresh cool breeze - I'm storing the 
memory so I can pull it out in a few months

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