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Unsolicited opinion looming.    These dogs who were bred to herd can, and 
must, be taught to obey.  What  do you think goes on at Sheepherding Trials?  
The dog has a job that he is genetically equipped to do, but he follows 
orders and also knows to stop and drop when signalled.

I have a Queensland-McNab cross.  He has a strong herding instinct but I 
never allowed him to chase my horses.  If the dog knows, Down, Stay, Come 
like he should, he won't be a problem.  I don't think I have ever heard 
anyone say, My dog has a really strong instinct to pee on the floor so I 
shouldn't try to train him not to do what is natural for him.  So why allow 
that thinking around horses?

That's enough from me for now.  Anyone know how to train a pistachio tree to 
produce a finished product?  I work with Nuts.  You'd think I 'd know what to 
do with a pistachio.

Pamela Garofalo

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