This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for the nice comment(s).
Your post illustrates the point that you can work with 2 different horses, 2 different ways, and end up at the same sucessful point: in the case of your mare Belle, who was 6 yo when you purchased her, we bought her as a weanling and brought her on (along w/ the rest of the "barnfull" at the time)She was always a great to work with,very quik & on the ball and is a real sports model, IMO. In the case of Lupin, the opposite is true. Lu was came here for training as a 3 yo w/ considerable baggage (can you say cranky baby?!) We worked it out for her over a years time, basiclly by letting her know what her boundaries were & leaving her alone & letting her be a horse when we wern't working, and now she is a happier camper & knows her role in life as a broodmare and a (super!) working horse for you. She really is one heck of a mare. So once again, horses and circumstances differ, but its the quality of time & handling, not the quantity of same that determines the outcome in training, IMPO.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: McCarthy Training
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 06:38:27 -0700

This message is from: "Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I can say "here, here" to Karen McCarthy's training.  We bought a 6 year old
"Perfect" mare from her years ago... She still is the best trained horse in
our barn.

Karen had also trained a younger mare for us.  This mare at the age of 3
years old was able to earn her Blue Silver Medal in the NFHR Evaluations.
She will be trying for her Blue Gold Medal in October. She only has one test
left to take. (Advance Draft) All this at the age of 7 year old. The mare
also has had 3 foals for us.

Catherine Lassesen

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