This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Saturday, May 25, 2002, you wrote:

> The difficulty I see in regional Fjord shows is there is no
> Technical Delegate to help diffuse the competitors anger and if the
> TD perceives a real problem can then facilitate setting things
> straight... My comment on qualified judges is in no way meant to
> demean the NFHR list of judges it is just that in my opinion it
> takes a mighty amazing judge to be familiar with the NGB rules
> governing all the disciplines that take place at a breed show.

  I certainly agree with what you say, however I believe it would be
  just a hard to find TDs with the requisite breadth of knowledge as
  judges. And without an agreed set of rules to take as a starting
  point how can either judges/TDs or competitors really know what's
  expected in the ring?

  Just as an example, in a Fjord show several years ago the locally
  written rules for an obstacle driving class called for elimination
  for a break to canter, but didn't bother to define a break. As a
  result, the majority of competitors were eliminated. When I talked
  to the judge later he said he was aware of the ADS 3 stride
  definition of a break, and that only a time penalty was called for
  on the first three breaks, but he was stuck with the rules he had
  been given by the show committee.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 If I be once on horse-back, I alight very unwillingly;
 for it is the seat I like best. --Michel Eyquem de Montaigne(1533-1592)

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