This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thursday, May 23, 2002, you wrote:

> For some time now I have encouraged the NFHR to adopt a standard set
> of show rules for all shows they have sanctioned...

  Well, Mike points out that the NFHR doesn't sanction shows, but
  maybe it's time that some thought was given in that direction. It
  would be real nice to have one set of rules so people could go to
  any Fjord show and not run into any surprises. Of course, as Mike
  also pointed out the NFHR has ALREADY published a set of standard
  show rules. So what is the problem with the regional shows adopting
  them? For the most part, the Registry's rules follow those that have
  been proved workable by the AHSA and ADS. If the purpose of the
  regional clubs is to promote the Fjord Horse, one of the best things
  they can to is get members showing up at open horse shows with their
  Fjords. And learning the rules that the general horse community
  competes by at friendly local shows makes a lot of sense. So let me
  ask once more, why don't the regional groups just start using the
  NFHR rules?

  If anyone is going to throw back the rhetoric about outside rules
  destroying the friendly family atmosphere of the shows, please
  explain exactly how standard, proven rules would do that.

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 Horses carry the history of mankind on their backs. If you should
 find one is carrying you as well, acknowledge your good fortune and
 indeed your honor. --Lucinda Prior Palmer(b. 1953)

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