This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

But be very careful about opening the back with the lead rope still tied in
a trailer where a horse could back out far enough to get a foot on the
ground and then be stopped by the rope.  

I have a horse who has some problems with pulling back.  He was accustomed
(before I bought him) to being released in front before the butt bar on a
straight load trailer was removed.  He will pull back, even in a stock
trailer, if you open the door without releasing him.  We have solved the
problem with a trailer with openable windows and dividers.  We release head,
open back door, then open divider and walk in to get the lead rope (which is
draped over the horse's back)

Never drop the butt bar on a straight load with horse tied.


This message is from: "Janice Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes, Mark, I get in the trailer, attach a lead rope, if they have been
tied, release the quick release tie that held them in the trailer, and
back them slowly out.  Again, I agree with Karen..preparation and
practice at home is the key.

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