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lest you think i have forgotten what list i am posting on, this is fjord 
related. as you all may know, oz is still at the equine spa while i am 
from my knee replacement (which is going quite well). for some unknown reason 
hubby got a bug in his bonnet and decided we needed some llamas. he wants to 
breed them and sell the babies. i was vehemently opposed but for some reason he 
didn't understand or care, and now we have two of them in the paddock. so far 
all they do is stand and stare, and get wet. it's been raining cats and dogs 
for 2 days, and been cold to boot, so our horse charlie has been in the barn. 
at his age (27) we tend to be a little extra careful with him.

anyhow he hasn't met these creatures yet, and though they lived with horses 
at their previous home, i am unsure as to how to introduce them to oz when he 
comes home. does anyone have any experience with horses and llamas? i have 
heard some tales about some horses being scared seeing them when they are out 
being ridden, but i am hoping fjords are more sensible and say "hmm, that 
horse needs a trim, now where's my hay?"

by the way, he's also adopted two orphan lambs and a boer goat. oz has lived 
with goats and i am not worried about that, but these hairy things are closer 
to his size. perhaps it will help that they are timid.

laurie, who is not quite sure when hubby will be forgiven for this little 

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