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Even if you are not in the market to buy but to sell or promote Fjords,
you can learn something from these posts and can always hit the delete
button. As a newcomer, I came on this list to learn from the people who
had been there done that and shared a passion for the breed.There do
seem to be a lot of ads right now,  but if you look back, they  come in
bunches - time of year?  If you are like me, I   always want to know how
my animals compare to others both in pedigree, attributes and price. It
is human nature.  The wise person is the one who sits back quietly and 
listens and observes, tucking away little bits of important information,
contacts,comparisons and  resources.   Over the last five years I have
purchased  5 Fjords and one breeding and paid much more than I would
have  going other routes.  I am tickled pink to have the quality horses,
foals  and bloodlines that I do as a result. Every one was through a 
contact or breeder  on this list.  When someone on  this list
 has a horse for sale, they include lots of information that you don't
always get from other sources.  You know the philosophy and history of
that breeder.  Bottom line,  I have not been disappointed by any of
them, either in the quality of the animal or the way in which business
was conducted.  I think there is an implicit level of trust built
through these posts.   The other advantage, As a future seller of
Fjords, I want to see what works. Although you may hit that delete
button for anything from BDF, BDF   and Carol Rivoire have done all of
us  a tremendous service  by helping to create a market and establishing
a reputation as an honest breeder who represents quality horses and
establishing a high ground for sales.  The hyperbole goes with the
territory and more power to her to be able to pull it off.   It takes
both good horses, good staff AND relentless marketing. I for one enjoy
reading these posts, and if I don't have time I can always delete. 

Kathy in Southern Idaho
( None of mine are for sale ------------------yet!)

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