This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help!  My 16 yr old Fjord mare grass foundered a few weeks ago.   A lot of 
horses in the area did. The 2yr old Fjord filly did not, nor did the  shetland 
pony.  They have all been dry lotted and now I want to get them  back on 
pasture.  I have let them in the pasture for an hour a day since  last 
The pasture is seeding out and I hope it's okay to let them  out there.  I'm 
very nervous about it.  The mare was on Bute for two  weeks.  She seems stiff 
the a.m. and walking normally in the  afternoon.  How do I know how much time 
to give them?  They have  always been dry lotted at night (6PM - 6AM).
Also, my farrier says they will need more nutrition to heal the hoof.   Hubby 
wants to give them senior horse chow.  WHAT DO I DO?  I don't  want to 
founder again.
Any help is appreciated.  Thanks
Pat in Iowa

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