This message is from: "Kevin and Verna Mattinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Everyone,

I think this is only my third posting in the four years that I've been on this
List, as I usually enjoy just "listening" to everyone else.  However, I got my
Fjord Herald last night and just had to mention how good it is.....again!!!!
The pictures are great and the cover is especially beautiful.   Hats off to
the Editors.  There are still a couple of articles that I haven't had a chance
to read and I'm looking forward to some time this evening to sit and
thoroughly enjoy it from cover to cover.    I get my share of people who think
that fjords are just "cute, little, chubby ponies" and it's so nice to have
the Herald and the NFHR website to show people pictures of fjords doing so
many wonderful things.   There's been lots of changes since I first started
with Fjords back in 1992.  :-)

Verna Mattinson
Woodrow Fjord Farm, Nova Scotia, Canada

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