This message is from: Kimberly Kinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear List,
In response to Amy Ever's email on the rough weekend at

My heart goes out to Catherine.  She has had what has to
amount to the worst weekend ever. Our thoughts and prayers are with her.
Having said that...

I am the previous owner Amy refers to.  The gelding was
in the possesion of the buyers and was being cared for by them.   When they
called me for help, I immediately called two vets to get him to treatment,
multiple friends for advice on what to do while we got him to the vet, they
started getting their trailer ready, and we followed the advice of friends to
get him moving and warm until the trailer was ready. Meanwhile, while doing
all the calling while driving, I began the drive out to where the horse was.
He was already loaded and they were moving prior to my arrival.  I had called
the local (45-60 minutes away) vet to prep them for his arrival and give them
an ETA.  I turned around and went to the vet with them.  When we arrived at
the vet he was connected to an IV, examined, tested and monitored for several
hours and seemed to be making improvements (eating and moving and frolicking
as was his nature).  The vet sent us home with cautious but hopeful words.  We
 been warned at the beginning that if this treatment didn't work a trip to OSU
would be required to save him and that could cost $10,000 to 15,000 dollars.
The buyer's didn't have a stall so I offered to bring him back to my place.
By the time I got him in his stall he was down again and having difficulty.  I
called Catherine to see if we could come up there so we would have better
facilities and experienced people (the buyer and I would be with him round the
clock).  Catherine said "Of Course".  I started trying to find a trailer (at
about 8 PM - My truck had hay on it as I was picking up hay when the buyer had
called and hadn't had a chance to unload as I'd been at the vet all day)
During that time, Catherine called back and said if he was that bad, it would
be better to go to OSU.  I was pretty sure from previous conversation that the
buyer would be unable to do that based on the estimate, as much as they were
truly heads over heals for this boy, but I would need to
 confirm that.  As the registered owner, I was unable to do that also, as much
as we really loved him.  Yes, that is "what credit cards can be for" (if you
have that high a credit limit and I don't) but I am also a single parent of a
young child and must consider that as well. When Catherine said she'd take him
to OSU if we weren't, we signed over ownership.  The buyer is a family of 5
teenagers still at home, which is why we sold to them in the first place.
They have pasture space at their place (I rent, a couple miles away) and their
entire family adores and spends time with their horses, as do we. They only
had 1 other horse, we have 3.   
As the situation developed, out of respect
for and courtesy towards the breeder Catherine, we called her for additional
advice, to let her know what was going on with one of her breedings and try to
keep her in the decision making process.  We (the buyer and myself) were
trying to do the right thing.
Please forgive my long email, but I wanted to
let the list to know that there were no "finally"s about his treatment.  We
got him to our vet as soon as humanly possible and he received the best care
available there.  We were going to stay with him all night, walking, talking,
whatever was required to keep his will up and him alive.  When Catherine (who
has so much more experience than us) said she did not think that was enough
and he needed to go to OSU those decisions were made fast too.  The trailer I
had arranged to get us to Hestehaven was enroute, so I arranged with Catherine
to meet her at the Interstate so she would not have to waste time trying to
find my barn then either back-track to the highway or follow construction
detours she is not familiar with.  At that time, he was up and moving although
we suspected it was just the meds he'd been given.  That ended up being the
case, he had a difficult trip to OSU.  
He was and is not considered
"disposable" by any means.  It was a heart wrenching decision not to be able
to take him to OSU ourselves but we had our families to consider as well.  If
that is as Amy says "refused to do so, not wanting the expense (or bother?) of
trying to save this colt’s life"   then I am guilty.  We did the best we
could with the resources we have.  We are heart-broken that we weren't able to
take him to OSU ourselves, and will be FOREVER greatful to Catherine that she
could.  He is a wonderful gelding, so typical of the Fjord:  personable,
friendly, very very loving, with a great sense of humor.  We are praying for
his fast recovery, and praying for Catherine and Rune at the loss of Lydar.
Thank you for your time and patience,
Very Respectfully,
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