This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I knew some one give a big warning about straw. However, I have
worked with and consulted with many vets and I have never had a
problem with good quality straw. >>> Catherine Lassesen

YES, I too recall this subject from the past.

Straw is listed as a cause of impaction on Wikipedia...though I
realize that's not the last word insofar as references go. I think the
potential for over ingestion of straw is greater with Fjords because
of their voracious appetites. This is the reference....

Pelvic flexure impaction This is caused by an impaction of food
material at a part of the large bowel known as the pelvic flexure of
the left colon where the intestine takes a 180 degree turn and
narrows. Impaction generally responds well to medical treatment, but
more severe cases may not recover without surgery. If left untreated,
severe impaction colic can be fatal. The most common cause is when the
horse is on box rest and/or consumes LARGE VOLUMES OF STRAW, or the
horse has dental disease and is unable to masticate properly. This
condition could be diagnosed on rectal examination by a veterinarian.

We never use straw for bedding on this account.

Ruthie, nw mt, US
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