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Lisa wrote, "Dealing with BREEDERS who insist on re-breeding their Premerin 
line mares 
over and over, than selling foals through " rescue " groups is just HELPING 


A-MEN Lisa!

Having been a humaniac most of my life, this type of situation really bothers 
me. People don't realize that
horses are just as overpopulated as dogs and cats. Blaming kill buyers is like 
blaming the humane society
for euthanizing pets -- tell me exactly what else are they supposed to do with 
the tens of thousands of 
unwanted animals that come through the door? There are just not enough homes. 
The City of San Jose actually 
changed its laws in an attempt to help this problem, by allowing three dogs per 
home instead of the usual two,
but the backyard breeding goes on. 

Lisa, I think you would enjoy this web site 
. The blogger is infamous for
her raging against a number of subjects including indiscriminate breeding 
(often followed by desparate ads
saying fifty foals and their mothers, who are of course bred again, need to be 
sold by next week because the 
breeders can't afford to buy hay for the winter). Some people find her 
offensive, I love it. 

Just a note, I have nothing against proper breeding, whether professionals 
working to improve the breed or
individuals breeding stock for their own use. It's the "glut" as Lisa describes 
it that contributes to the
problem, or the folks who think that everything female (regardless of breed, 
health, temperament, or 
conformation) has to have babies every year.

Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

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