This message is from: Michele Noonan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After what seemed like almost two years of waiting......  We are proud to
announce Two Rivers Kare has had her long overdue foal and WHR Elsker's last
progeny. (or last hoorah, whatever you want to call it)

Some of you may remember Kare's story I posted to the list.  She was bred
summer of 06 and confirmed by ultrasound on August 25th at 45 days bred, she
had all her pneumabort shots and was kicked out into the herd with the other
pregnant mares and WHR Elsker until he went to the trainers Jan 1 07.(We then
gelded him a month later)  Well Kare's due date of June 13 2007 came and went
and we had the vet palpate her and he said, " Yes she is pregnant"  Well
another month went by and I called the vet and he said....  Hmmm, pregnant,
different baby.  When he came out again, he checked her out and predicted an
early November baby.   HAHAHAHAHA.  She was as big as a dang house.  Kare is
almost 16 and this is her first baby.
So remember my comment about Christmas Heat Cycles in mares??????

Anyway,..... We have a BEAUTIFUL, but odd looking......  RED DUN COLT (we have
never had anything but a brown dun, so to us he was odd)  There is not a black
hair anywhere on him and he has other tell tale signs. He is SO furry and huge
and is walking around nicely.
 It was 13 degrees outside and we were worried sick, luckily I only missed the
birth by about 3 minutes, (Her labor must have been no more than 15 minutes)
he was breaking out of the sack. We got them both inside and warm (too warm
for Kare).  The hardest part was for him was to find the milk thru her 6
inches of hair, it was quite comical.  We had to move them to an unheated area
that is completely weather protected and filled with warm bedding for the
baby, because Kare was way to overheated after living outside all winter.  The
baby is very warm and dry and very active.
Kare is incredibly easy and let us do whatever we wanted to him, at one point
their were 4 of us in the stall. She is the most awesome mare. You would have
thought she was an old pro.

Anyway, I need some help in naming this new little guy. The gals at our local
barn have been rooting for Elsker with less than appropriate, non norwegian
names.  Elsker's....... and Elsker's Last.......    So email me some, more
appropriate slightly Norwegian names PLEASE

Enough Rambling for one day
I am going to bed!

Happy New Year Everyone


Michele Noonan
Wild Hair Ranch
Stevensville, MT

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