This message is from: Karen McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've never met you, I know nothing of your mare, her breeding, who did the
training etc, prior to you getting her, (just so you know I am not prejudiced
in any way towards your mare) but from your description of her reactions while
being driven, it is blatantly apparent to me that this mare is not fully
trained (broke) to drive. You are just darned lucky that so far you haven't
had a major 'incident'. As a new driver yourself, you may not be totally aware
of the danger signals and their possible implications. Until you have been in,
or witnessed a few wrecks, you can't be expected to truly comprehend.
 I am very familiar w/ 'forward' fjords. I prefer them. However they are
atypical, and the time you need to invest in the details of their basic
training is VERY important. It is different training these types as their
minds are very busy, and you really need her to focus on you, in all
IMO, if this was my mare, she would be back into a draft harness pronto, w/ an
open bridle. It may sound boring & tedious, as i know you have tasted just how
fun it is to be driving a lovely, forward horse, but you need to instill in
this mare the meaning of really listening to you, i.e. the all important WHOA.
The reason I like a work harness w/ a full collar, heel chains and all the
rest is that it in itself is quite a stimulus package.It's sturdier and it
means work. I would take this mare back to sq one and go from there,
s-l-o-w-l-y. If you feel you need help in getting this girl "on track" I would
find someone who is a competent driving trainerto mentor you, not necessarily
a work horse trainer, to work with. (If you want to contact me off-list I
might be able to assist you in sorting out who would be near you to help out
training-wise.)  If you need any reference material, I would go to the late
Steve Bower's website and track down some of his DVD's and books. (He was an
excellent teacher, and sadly now that he's gone folks are now recognizing just
how astute he was...) from the scenario you have provided of Splendora, I
think Steve would say she is just "superficially compliant". Here is a link to
his DVD + site:

Please Jen, don't take my advice the wrong way, as being negative. It is not
my intention. It really sounds like you have asked the right questions here,
and i'm just trying to help fill in the blanks for you.
Good luck!

Karen McCarthy

Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon

> Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 10:50:34 -0600
> This message is from: "jen frame" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi List,
> I have been driving my new Fjord mare (got her in October) and she is
> doing fabulously...

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