This message is from: Karen Keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Cherrie:

Too funny!  The day I decide to climb up on a soapbox about color genetics
it's in response to a molecular biologist.  LOL!  I yield the floor.

Perhaps, though, my explanation will be helpful to folks whose brains work
like mine.  I can muddle through the alleles and capital letters and lower
case letters denoting genes, but it really is a muddle for me and hard work.
I have to keep going back to charts and reviewing.

I see the base horse colors as hues on a color wheel, and the dun and creme
dilutions as a tints and tones, creating the lovely dun and creme coats.  Does
anyone else remember junior high art class?  Start with red, add a tint of
white and you get pink!

I know it's simplistic but it works for me.

And you're right, since all Fjords are some color of dun, referring to them as
red dun, brown dun, etc., one might say is re-dun-dant!  :^)


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