This message is from: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What a great story!  thanks for sharing :-)

Hi, all--

Yesterday was so beautiful here in
North Carolina so we had two guests to  
the farm.  Ever since we bought a
farm and brought the Fjords home in July,  it 
has been so much fun to share
them with other people, especially those who  
have never spent much time
around horses.

Yesterday morning, a friend whose wife is living with ALS
brought his two  
young daughters over.  The wife is in her thirties and has
dealt with her  
illness with such grace...unfortunately, she was having a
difficult day and  
couldn't come out.  The girls were so excited to be at the
farm and we  spent almost 
three hours playing with Fjords, grooming, driving,
riding and  feeding 
apples.  I hope that for a few hours they could forget
all that  they are coping 

Then we had a neighbor's young Swedish au
pair out in the afternoon.  She 
rode a lot at home and was anxious to see the
Fjord horses.  She was so  excited 
to be with them--we took a long trail ride
and even went horse four  wheeling 
and cut some new trails with our faces.
:)  Elin could not get  over the 
horses' temperaments--particularly how
willing they were and up for  
anything...any direction at any gait.  When I
asked if she wanted to  canter, she had a 
huge grin on her face.  When I
asked if she was ready to  quit, she said that she 
would rather ride all
day.  Hope to have her out  again.

Just had to share a great day with the
people that I knew would most  
understand the magic of these little horses. 
They have just been a perfect  match 
for our family.

Have a great week!
Triple Play Farm in Davidson, NC
with Monark, Kasper and Clyde
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