This message is from: "jen frame" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Kristie, I am no expert, but I sure do research and obsess over
equine nutrition.
So here is what I think, for wha tit's worth: skip the beet pulp.
Although it provides fiber (which is good) it is very rich and horses
get fat on it easily. If she is getting "plenty of grass hay" as you
said, then she has no need for beet pulp.
Since she gets a small ration of Triple Crown Lite, she is probably
NOT getting all the vitamins and minerals she needs. So I would buy a
product called "Photo Finish Revised " from
If you top dress her Tripple Crown with that, she should start to look
really good, which is a reflection of what  is going on inside.
She needs nutrition, NOT calories, and the beet pulp is too many
calories and not enough nutrition, in my opinion. And although I
hadn't heard of the connection between soy and founder (Thanks for
that info) I agree that soy is not great for horses--adds to much
estrogen and can mess them up hormonally. Unfortunately many of the
new low starch feeds use soy because it is high in protein and low in
starch.  I try to keep myself and my horses on a low soy diet!
There is a new feed by Purina although they call their new brand
Wellsolve. It is advertised as a weight loss feed. Actually it is very
high fiber and low in fat and in starch and in calories. so your horse
feels like she is eating, has the sensation of satisfaction, but is
not getting fat. It is very expensive and my Fjord loved it but did
not lose weight on it. You may want to look into it and see what you
think of it.
I hope this helps,

On 11/11/08, Kristie Strange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Kristie Strange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  I need Fjord Feed Advice.  :D     I have a four year old, very easy keeper,
> mare and I really have to watch her weight.  This time of year she's mostly
> a pleasure horse, and we trail ride a couple times a week.   She will get
> more excercise and schooling come Spring, but we're taking it easy for the
> winter.
>  Right now she gets about a cup of Triple Crown lite mixed with a cup of
> soaked beet pulp shreds, twice a day.   She is on very limited pasture (I
> let her graze2-3 hours a day), and gets plenty of grass hay in between.
>  I'm satisfied with her weight, don't want her to get any bigger, but I
> think her coat and overall apperance could be better.   Purina rep suggested
> Enrich 32 RB, and he made it sound really good.
>  But then I go reading on the internet about soy and founder and now I'm
> confused.
>  Should I try a ration balancer?   Or perhaps add a vit. supplement to what
> I'm currently feeding?   Or just leave well enough alone?
>  What do you guys feed your Fjords?
>  TIA,
>  Kristie Strange
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