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 Hi List ! 

OK I admit to a little housebound today with our snowstorm, but just had to 
share this in the spirit of friendly advice on the weaning process. 

           We have weaned our youngsters here both ways. In the 
get seperation of dam and baby. Not sold yet on which way is more traumatic for 
everyone involved. Dont forget including the dams udder, which doing it by 
seperating bit by bit....having her milk and udder engorge, then be pulled on, 
( ouch ) then engorge, then be pulled on ( ouch ).....well. A good way to 
increase your chances of mastitis according to breeding specialists. 

           There is also the classic way of leading ( hopefully the baby 
leads by now ) the baby away from mom. There you go, weaned. You still get to 
the annoying whinneys from them for a day or two, but you get to hear that 
when you put a fence between them as well. 

but....WAIT !  ( yes Ive been watching too much late night TV from Billy Mays 
) can BUY <--------why is that word always associated with 
something NATURAL ???

The " EZEE WEAN Halter and strap "   OMGosh !        :  O

For only $ 75.00, ( yep what I said ) you can attach this torture device to 
your baby, complete with rubber prongs, making it " too uncomfortable " for 
mom, forcing her to wean her own little dumplin. The " Natural " way.

Anyone who can stomach the FUGLY Horse Of The Day site, its being featured 
there. Anytime you ( or your product ) is featured on FUGLY, its not a good 
marketing tool, just FYI. 

Last week it was the new Parelli saddle. ( marketed as for the people who 
TRUELY CARE about their horses comfort ) For $ 3,800.00 you could sit on the 
worst looking cheap piece of garbage ever made. If you wanted the matching 
pad, it set you back $ 260.00 w/o shipping. Since you could get a custom 
saddle fit by a German dude who flew in to your ranch and made a fricken mold 
your horses back, then hand stitched it and delivered it to you, including 
riding an advanced dressage test, just to try it out, for about that price, of 
COURSE it is just crazy. They say it has sold out for now. OH boy.

Like $ 5.00 ( to make ) halters being SOLD for $ 45.00. 

Even ( gasp ) nuttier than a $ 75.00 " carrot stick " ( running for cover now 
from the NH people who admit to buying one and are gonna wump me with it ) 

Here is the quote from the Ezee Halter + strap maker : 

" Most often the caregiver is reluctant to start the weaning process because 
of the undesirable symptoms that occur using the abrupt seperation method. The 
heart wrenching whinneying is very disturbing for the passionate caregiver "

OK, heres a little REAL natural for ya.  ; )

Wild know the ones actually LIVING a natural life ( with 
nothing to market ) wean their babies one tried and true way. 

They go after their babies with teeth and hoofs. If the baby is an especially 
slow learner, major injuries can occur. The mares decide when their little 
pride and joy has pulled its last suckie and attacks them. Nicely at first. All 
natural, of course. 

                       Of course, you can decide for yourself. Like I said, 
we use both methods.....slow and done. They both work. Just keeping my $ 75.00 
in my pocket for now. Dont want to ruin the mares NEXT foal from being able to 
get near the chow wagon. 

               Lisa Pedersen

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