This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <>

> wrote:
> Use a bathroom scale if you don't have anything else.� get on the scale,
> weight yourself.� get off and pick up your� hay ration and get back on.� The
> weight of the hay, within about a half pound, is the difference between the
> two.

Before anyone relies on that method, I would strongly recommend that
they first check how accurate their bathroom scales are in that mode!

We got an Aussie puppy this year, so I was weighing her regularly.  At
first, I just put her onto our bathroom scale, and that was fine.  One
day, she was being wiggly, so I picked her up, weighed us, then
weighed me.  The difference was 15 lb, which was significantly less
than she had weighed the previous week, so I managed to get her on the
scale alone---21 lb!  Being of a scientific bent, I got an unopened
15-lb bag of puppy kibble, weighed it on a good kitchen scale (15.5
lb), weighed it alone on the bathroom scale (16 lb), and by the delta
method (12 lb).  Obviously, my scale is not "linear" in its response
to weight.  Your mileage may vary....

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--               anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

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