This message is from: "Linda Schleef" <>

Neither one of my fjords have tried that trick yet.  However, I had a
quarter horse that would walk just fine down this path to one particular
bush and then start limping big time. There wasn't anything different about
the footing before or after this spot - only the bush that I could identify.
The limp would suddenly disappear like magic when he was headed home,
whether I was leading him or on him for a few feet.  It took this happening
at least three times and a vet check before we figured out his scheme.  The
fourth time I put spurs on (didn't have to use them - just made a big deal
of putting them on in front of him) and wonder of wonders, the limp
disappeared when we came to his favorite place.  I don't thing we tend to
give enough credit to horses for their creativity!

Linda, Hugin, and Tor

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