This message is from: Gail Russell <>

Interesting.  My horse is back on antibiotics, but the drainage from the 
abscess is not drying up, so I think there is something still in there.  I 
suppose, if we keep the infection from running wild for long enough, whatever 
is in there may work its way out.  I am also afraid that he could have an 
infection in the jaw bone, but I think organic matter is more likely.  This 
horse has been knocked out and examined since I last posted.  He had two more 
abscesses and cheat grass awns stuck in a periodontal pocket between his teeth. 
 We are persevering, but I am not sure how long we will keep this up if there 
is no end in sight.  He is an old horse, so I do not think I am going to have 
major surgery done on him at a veterinary school.

I am anxious to hear how the arab comes out.  


This message is from: Caroline Warren <>

The ongoing saga of the arab with the abcess under the tongue (July- 
Aug 2011) continues with another abcess and swollen lymph nodes that  
developed at the mid-jawline over this past weekend.  Of course the  
owner thought that she was in for another horrendous ordeal but,  
luckily, the vet was able to drain the abcess.   He drained about a  
cup of green pus out  of it PLUS a long slimy piece of coarse grass  
that my have been the cause of the first abcess. She's on sulfa for 10  
  Hopefully, this will be the end of it. 

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