This message is from: "Debby" <>

I'd asked a vet many many years ago, about a different grain, someone else had switched to, wondered if I needed to do something different for mine. I had him out doing teeth, the old fashion way, with the file and no sedation for the horses. He asked me if I was having any problems with them. Nope. Asked if they looked healthy. Yep.

Well, why change it if it aint broke.

But over the years, I have changed things here and there. We learn better ways, people share and I'm open minded to a certain extent. I know what I want but if I find something better, then whooppee! Horses are adaptable, they are forgiving. Pony club rule taught me about hay, "musty, dusty and moldy", not good. Always clean water buckets. And clean stalls. My daughters time in Pony club taught me a lot. I tend to think the Brits got it right in the care of ponies, though I'm sure theres bad apples anywhere. Its good to do lots of research on your own, but even from vet to vet you'll get a different opinion. Find someone that thinks as you think or openminded to your way, but also be openminded some to. Same with farrier. I'd had a farrier tell me most problems with a horses feet is the farriers, not so much the owners. Theres lots of owners that don't do a good job of keeping up with the necessities for their ponies. But a lot do and we depend on our vets and our farriers and our hay providers and our instructors/trainers to do right by us, by our ponies. But when it comes down to it, we're the ones left to deal with what we have had done to our 4 legged best friends, so yes do the research and learn, for them and for you. We'll make mistakes, but we try, and we learn, we learn to make the decisions. The right decisions with the right people working with us. If you ever feel a bit uncomfortable what anyone is doing to your pony or with your pony, that is your gut speaking, and best listen to your gut most times. Debby
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