This message is from: "Mary Ofjord" <>

Thank you Steve!  Yes, Sometime I get tired of the FB shenanigans, and I
remember when the FjordHorseList first started - must be close to 20 years
now?. There are so many duplicate questions that come up on FB on how to
trim manes, saddle fit, bits, etc., and on this site they can all be
recovered from the archives!  Did we forget about those?  I'm going to make
a statement and dis me if you will, but I HATE SELFIES and other blurry
pictures taken from cell phones.  Here we have honest information.

There are so many good things that come from this list, including email
etiquette, knowledge shared with other Fjord horse people - I even learned
that I must be able to recite my Fjord's lineage back to at least the second
generation - thanks to Carol Rivoire.  Case in point; at the 25th
Anniversary Breed Show I remember talking to a lady who owned a stallion.
I commented her on her nicely put together animal and casually asked his
lineage, to which she replied "I don't know"!  WHAT!  You have a breeding
stallion and you don't know or won't engage in a conversation to let me know
his breeding?

I got training help from Gayle Ware;  we got sympathy from the whole list
when we lost Sylvi, out first Fjord, and when the list first started I tried
to print all the emails so I wouldn't miss anything.  Then I believe Steve
got us The Archives to look back upon.    I miss the list too.  The only way
we can bring it back is to keep it going!

Don't forget what we have.

Mary Ofjord
North Coast Services, LLC

This message is from: Steve McIlree <>

I certainly wish we could "bring back" the List. Whenever I have to renew
the mail server or the URL I wonder if I should just pull the plug, but then
it seems we always have a flurry of activity like we are now experiencing
and I let it live. I don't consider myself old fashion, but I simply cannot
abide the silly crap that goes along with Facebook so if I end this list
I'll complete lose touch with everyone I've come to know since it started.

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