Martijn van Beurden wrote:

Or maybe the question is: why is this code in evaluate_lpc_subframe anyway,
i.e, why is this code duplicated? If process_subframe_ sets the
qlp_precision for evaluate_lpc_subframe, why should the latter ignore that?

We can only speculate about this, but I think this code has been duplicated
by accident, and therefore it wasn't changed as the code shouldn't have
been there in the first place.

Well, the code in process_subframe_() calculates MAX value of 
while the code in evaluate_lpc_subframe_() adjusts CURRENT qlp_coeff_precision.

It's possible to move the logic from evaluate_lpc_subframe_() into
process_subframe_(), see the attached patch, but I'm not sure that the
code becomes much clearer after it.

Attachment: tmp1.patch
Description: Binary data

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