> I've tried building the view completely by the
> controller with AS createEmptyMovieClip and such but was wasting too
> much time not being able to see anything at design time.

I've stayed away from that too. This approach is advantageous when
you're working with designers who wants to have full access to your
views during design time.

>I chose not to pass event objects but rather fire a generic onUpdate()
>event on each listener.  Inside oController.onUpdate() I request the
>info I need from the composited oModel and pass that info along to the
>composited view_mc.  This allowed me to have different views listening
>to the model and each requesting only the info they needed instead of
>getting all-or-nothing.  When my model's data changed, it all changed
>but all of it's listening views didn't need all of the data.

I like that idea too. It's close to Moock's MVC with Observer Pattern
passing only the needed data is really cool.

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