hank williams wrote:
Why bother with compression. This just creates more processor
overhead. a minute of cd quality sound should be 10mbytes. This is not
so bad. I dont know if flash would have any memory issues with this
but I doubt it. In any case it could be chunked. But then the issues
is whether it is possible to effectively sync separate tracks. Because
if it is then You dont have to worry about doing one big sound file
which would reduce memory needs.

good point, for some mistaken reason i was thinking that you couldnt put uncompressed audio data in a swf. im getting old and my memory isnt so good these days. :)

But I am really curious about this loader thing. I am not really aware
of it. It sounds like a huge deal.

see the link to Guy's page, also from the docs :

loadBytes Method

public loadBytes(bytes:ByteArray) : Void
Loads from binary data stored in a ByteArray object.

bytes:ByteArray — A ByteArray object. The contents of the ByteArray can be any of the file formats supported by the Loader class: SWF, GIF, JPEG, PNG.

from http://livedocs.macromedia.com/labs/1/flex/langref/index.html

i think its a really significant addition, lots of possibilities :)

now all we need is an actionscript API for creating SWF's in the player.

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