Well, you can't instanciate an interface, you need first a concrete class that implements the interface...

While you cannot instantiate an interface, you can assign an object that is an instance of a class that does implement the interface to a variable that is typed to the interface.

Your code should be:

interface IWorldPart {}
class SomeWorldPartSubclass implements IWorldPart  {}
var myPart:SomeWorldPartSubclass = new SomeWorldPartSubclass();

I think what the OP is saying is that he wants to do this (based on your example):

var myPart:IWorldPart = new SomeWorldPartSubclass();

...which compiles just fine, but the compiler baulks at the following statement...


If I read correctly, the addItem method is expecting one argument of type Object, and the compiler seems to think that an object of type IWorldPart (i.e. of a class implementing the IWorldPart interface) cannot be stored in a variable of type Object. I don't have time to test this, but if this really is the case then it's a compiler bug.

Steve Webster
Head of Development

Featurecreep Ltd.
14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH
0117 905 5047

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