Howdy...  :)

Maybe there is something I am missing here but I've been scratching my head off for a couple hour, so I thought that I'd ask here and keep scraching...

Okay...  Open up a new Flash file in Flash MX 2004...
Create an input textField on the stage and give it an instance name of 'test_txt'...
Add this simple script in another layer...

this.test_txt.onSetFocus = function ()
trace("onSetFocus : " + this.text);

this.test_txt.onKillFocus = function ()
trace("onKillFocus : " + this.text);

Test movie and you should see that both events get fired when you click inside/outside of the textField...

Now, wicked part... Add a V2 ComboBox component to the stage from the Components panel... Delete it from the stage so that the library can have the component...

Do the test movie again... Click inside the textField and you will get onSetFocus... Click outside the textField and you will see the onKillFocus AND onSetFocus at the same time... So, the textField gets focused again...

Now, delete the ComboBox from the library and do the test movie again... It's back to normal...

What am I missing here???  Anybody???  :confused:


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