I'm afraid mike but you're wrong.
The MovieClip.onRelease handler doesn't pass any parameter...
From the help files : MovieClip.onRelease = function() {}
What Jeff could do is using a Delegate alternative class that allows him to pass parameters to the handler, but he can also link his button movieclips to a class that would dispatch events:

class MenuButton extends MovieClip {

  // EventDispatcher mix-in functions here

  public function MenuButton(){

  public function onRelease():Void {
    dispatchEvent({type:"click", target:this});


class Menu extends MovieClip {

  private var btn1:MenuButton
  private var btn2:MenuButton

  public function Menu(){
    btn1.addEventListener("click", Delegate.create(this, onMenuRelease);
    btn2.addEventListener("click", Delegate.create(this, onMenuRelease);

  private function handleEvent(event:Object):Void {
    if (event.target == btn1) {
      // do some stuff...
      btn1.enabled = false;
      btn2.enabled = true;

    if (event.target == btn2) {
      // do some stuff...
      btn2.enabled = false;
      btn1.enabled = true;

mike cann a écrit :
ummm correct me if im wrong but onRelease you are passed an event object
that contains the target of the event?


funciton addChild( txt:String ):Void
 // make new mc, with a text field and set the txt
 myNewMc.onRelease = Delegate( this, onMenuRelease );

function onMenuRelease( event:Object):Void
   event.target.myPropertyOfmyNewMc = somevalue;

I could be wrong however...


On 09/06/06, Jeff Jonez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is exactly what I was looking for, cheers Mark and Morten!
> >   myNewMc.onRelease = Delegate( this, onMenuRelease, myNewMc );

Previously, I kept a reference to my class in mc variable, which
wasn't so bad codewise... not sure if there are other side effects to
doing that.

Re: Matt
> can you not add your children in a loop?

The children or menu items are added and removed dynamically by
calling add/remove child ( and then I animate them on and off) from
some other class that wants to use the menu
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