I have a sequence of 3D bitmaps - its an object rotating 360 degrees.
I've put the frames in a MC.
Right now I have code that tracks the mouse and depending on if the mouse
moves in +x or -x the frames go forward or backward.
But, what I really want is for the MC to be controlled by a click drag -
so it looks like you are rotating the object with the mouse.
Can anyone give any advice?  It seems like a very simple thing to
accomplish, but I'm a 3D animator, not an actionscripter and I just can't
wrap my brain around this one.

When the user clicks the area, you save the main stage _xmouse to any other auxiliary variable. Then, when the user moves the mouse, if you subtract the saved/original _xmouse from the current new _xmouse, you will get the ammount of 'pixels' it should move (then you have to translate that to how many frames you want your animation to skip forward/backward).

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