Hey Dan, I like the way you do it, its pretty simple.  But here is, what 
probably will be an incredibly stupid question: 

How do I capture the event?  Thanks, V

I personally use an extremely simplified way of dealing with events.   
I've used EventDispatcher before, but it feels like overkill most of  
the time.  I realize my method has no ability to multicast events,  
but it's quick, easy to read and gets the job done.

Here's an example:

// WidgetManager.as

import mx.utils.Delegate;

class WidgetManager {
private var _widget1:Widget;
private var _widget2:Widget;

public function WidgetManager (timeline:MovieClip) {
_widget1 = new Widget(1, timeline.widget1_mc);
_widget1.clickEvent = Delegate.create(this, widgetClick); // add event

_widget2 = new Widget(2, timeline.widget2_mc);
_widget2.clickEvent = Delegate.create(this, widgetClick); // add event

private function widgetClick (eventObj:Object):Void {
trace("widget " + eventObj.id + " was clicked");
eventObj.target.clickEvent = null; // remove event

// Widget.as

import mx.utils.Delegate;

class Widget {
public var clickEvent:Function; // event method
private var _id:Number;
private var _buttonMC:MovieClip;

public function Widget (id:Number, mc:MovieClip) {
_id = id;
_buttonMC = mc;
_buttonMC.onPress = Delegate.create(this, buttonPress);

public function buttonPress ():Void {
clickEvent({target:this, id: _id});

On Sep 26, 2006, at 12:09 PM, Sean Scott wrote:

> Hi All!,
> wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.  I am trying
> to find a ASBoradcast / Event Dispatcher light model for my app.
> Basically i have a number of MCs that will have to either react to
> events being broadcast or broadcast their own.
> I have Essential AS2 by Colin Moock.  Trying to find something i can
> import and maybe pass scope to it, vs have my main class extend it.
> I've googled, searched the archived and exausted my more talented
> flash developer friends.
> Thanks,
> Sean
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