Hey, good news. The buttons on the Wiimote give out key events.


On 12/25/06, Max <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Any key events? What about right-clicks or mouse scrolling?

I'd do it myself but I'm facinated by this and don't have any wireless
Internet for a while so I can't test anything.

On 12/25/06, Martin Jonasson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've also been doing some poking around. It seems it renders the page at
> a higher resolution than the one displayed and then scales it down
> (since you can zoom), so setting the swf to half the resolution (400x250
> for 4:3) and then zooming in gives a nice performance boost.
> The only real problems I've been having is some trouble getting all
> mousedown's to register properly, sometimes it just ignores the clicks,
> but zooming in and then out again helps. It might be my code acting up
> though.
> Josh Santangelo skrev:
> > I did some poking around and discovered the following:
> >
> > - The user-agent of the Wii browser (US version) is  "Opera/9.00
> > (Nintendo Wii; U; ; 1309-9; en)".
> > - The Flash Player version on the Wii is "WII"
> > - You CAN enter a URL directly to a SWF.
> > - You CAN add a favorite directly to a SWF, but it won't show a good
> > icon in the favorites screen.
> > - A SWF's stage at 100% width and height in 16:9 mode (480p) is 1024x500.
> > - In 4:3 mode it is 800x500.
> > - After messing with the screen mode I was able to get the browser
> > into a state where it was reporting the stage size as 700x150.
> > Restarting the Wii fixed it.
> > - There are no global objects named Controller, Remote, Buttons, Wii,
> > Nintendo, or com (looking for things like Mouse and Key).
> > - When pressing the A button on the remote, you get a mousedown event
> > -- in fact it seems like you get four of them!
> > - Releasing the A button does not create a mouseup event.
> > - onMouseMove works pretty much as expected.
> > - Mouse.hide() does not hide the Wii remote pointer.
> > - Clicking on a text input field does bring up the Wii on-screen
> > keyboard.
> > - I was not able to trap any events from buttons other than A on the
> > main remote using mouse or keyboard events -- also tried Nunchuck and
> > Classic Controller.
> >
> > My only tools here are outputting things to a text field and using
> > ASSetPropFlags to unhide any potentially-hidden variables. If anyone
> > else has other tricks for finding things, I'd be into hearing them,
> > but at this point it looks like you can't do anything particularly
> > cool with Flash on Wii.
> >
> > -josh
> >
> > On Dec 22, 2006, at 9:37a, Josh Santangelo wrote:
> >
> >> The Wii's "Internet Channel" launched today, which is basically a
> >> downloadable version of Opera. Of course the first thing I did after
> >> getting it was check out what version of Flash was included.
> >> getVersion() returns "WII".
> >>
> >> Kind of lame that it's only Flash 7. It looks like wiicade.com, a
> >> site full of Flash games to play on the Wii, was surprised too:
> >> http://wiicade.com/
> >>
> >> I wonder if there's any kind of hidden API to trap events from the
> >> Wii remote control.
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