Hey FlashCoders:

In the app I am building, I have a need to add and remove functionality to an object at runtime--specifically, functionality that will snap the object to a border. I have puzzled on this for awhile, and the method that seems most applicable to me is the Flair pattern described in "OOP with ActionScript" by Hall & Wan. If you don't have the book, the pattern, in short, is a static class that dynamically creates a child object on the class it is modifying, and then adds methods and properties to that object.

My question is: has anyone else used this pattern in AS2 projects? Is it even the best way to achieve what I am trying to achieve? An outline of my SnapFlair class follows below.

Any input you can offer is greatly appreciated, as always,


Implemented as a Singleton

class  SnapFlair {
        private static var _obj:SnapFlair;
        private function SnapFlair() {}
        * @param target                 The MovieClip being 'flaired'
* @param source The source of the event that the flair functionality is listening for * @param eventName The name of the event that the flair is listening for
public function snapOn( target:MovieClip, source:Object, eventName:String ) {
                target.mc.$snapFlair = new Object();
                target.mc.$snapFlair._obj = target;
                source.addEventListener( eventName, target.$snapFlair );
                target.mc.$snapFlair[eventName] = onEvent;
        public static function getObj():SnapFlair {
                if (SnapFlair._obj == null) {
                        SnapFlair._obj = new SnapFlair();
                return _obj;
public function snapOff( target:MovieClip, source:Object, eventName:String ) {
                source.removeEventListener(eventName, target.$snapFlair)
                delete target.mc.$snapFlair;
        public function onEvent( evt:Object ) {
                // do stuff
        public function toString():String {
                return "Class SnapFlair";

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