> It seems like in many of the projects I'm doing I need to 
> have simultaneous onRollOver events. For example, a small 
> movie clip with additional buttons needs to enlarge when the 
> mouse is over it so the user can clearly click the buttons.  
> However, when the user mouses over a button, flash no longer 
> detects that the mouse is still over the movieclip and thus 
> executes the onRollOut event making the movieclip shrink and 
> the user can't see the buttons clearly anymore.
> I've used some code which can tell if the mouse is over an 
> object, and attaching that to onMouseMove events can 
> basically make two mouse overs.
> While its not checking the mouse position every frame, its 
> still not as efficient as I'd like.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on a more efficient way to 
> detect two mouse over events at the same time?

Keep a list of all the instances you're testing, in z-order. Use onRollOver
to activate each one; then while it's active, send messages to all the ones
beneath it to check if they should be active too.


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