On 8/21/07, Ian Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/21/07, Steven Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If we take two students and you teach them OOP for 1 month and I teach
> > them procedural for two weeks and then OOP for two weeks, my student
> > will be further along than your student.s.
> I really don't agree -- and I'd like to see you back that assertion up with
> some hard data.

I actually wonder how much of us are qualified to judge. Most of us
probably learned procedural programming first, so that seems natural
to us. When I taught myself BASIC on my family's TI 99/4A back in the
early '80s (and later on our Commodore 64 circa 1990), OOP didn't even
exist. Of course, it laid out the fundamentals so that, by the time I
was in high school and OOP was gaining impetus, I was ready to learn
it--with a bit of initial struggling. So that route worked, in the

But was it the best route? Some of the "basics" I learned early on,
like GOTO and line numbers, are barely present in programming anymore
(assembly language excepted). And would it have been easier to segue
into OOP if I had been used to dealing with variables that had fields
and methods? Would it have been that much harder to learn to use
Math.abs() rather than ABS(), or bitmapData.getPixel(row, col) rather
than peek offset + screenwidth * row + col? I feel like it might have
been beneficial to start using objects, even without understanding
everything about them, shortly after learning about simple variables.
But, then again, I don't really know.

When I taught children how to program in the late '90s, some of the
languages I taught required using objects (Visual Basic) and others
didn't (LOGO). I really don't recall there being much difference in
the difficulty. Of course I didn't go very deeply into OOP, just how
to use existing APIs. But maybe that was a better approach,
ultimately. I don't know--I haven't kept in touch with any of the

Is there any younger person or latecomer out there who started using
OOP basics when learning to program for the first time? What are your
Mike Keesey
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