You're right, Dwayne, for a lot of non-banner work, 8k vs 3k really doesn't
matter. It can, however, come into play in local memory as tweens are
created. For example, if an instance of Tweener has 8k worth of code driving
it (not that every instance would take 8k in memory - I'm just talking about
the variables/properties/methods stored for each instance) and you create
300 instances, it's that much more that has to get pushed into memory and
chewed on by the CPU verses 3k worth of code. Again, with today's
desktop/laptop processors and Gigabytes of RAM, it's not much of an issue
unless you're working with a LOT of tweens, but in some cases it's
important, especially for mobile devices. Some developers prefer
lightweight, efficient and speedy whereas some would rather trade for a
broader feature set. I'd encourage you to compare the feature sets because
if you need a Tweener-specific feature, your choice is a no-brainer. But
many developers find everything they need and more in TweenLite, so they
feel all warm & fuzzy inside when they get the size and speed benefits too.

When you're driving around town, there ain't much difference between a
Hummer and a Porche. They both get you from point A to B. If you're gonna do
some off-roading, better warm up the Hummer. If you need speed and agility,
get your racing gloves on and hop into the Porsche. :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Dwayne Neckles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 10:29 AM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3


I'm very clear that when doing banners the is the big concern about size.. I
was saying before that I understand that...

I do banners everyday

but that when it comes to BIG sites (2 megs )etc that I don't understand
the concern .most sites on FWA are big you know thats all?

Other than banners whats the big deal? Who cares about file sizes.. those
sites on FWA are pretty huge..

Put me on.. I'm just asking 

> Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:04:30 -0400
> Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3
> To:
> >>I don't get the big deal either about size.. I mean I really don't...
> >>
> >>except for ads maybe that have a tight 30k limit( which needs 
> >>to be upped)
> You add 40k here for some media. 60k there for some code, you're up to
> 100k.  If you have download requirements of 100k max in some client
> environments (like we do in some environments), 8k makes a difference.
> Jason Merrill
> Bank of America  
> GT&O and Risk L&LD Solutions Design & Development 
> eTools & Multimedia 

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