Allandt Bik-Elliott wrote:

> it's bad enough to try to understand someone elses code when you
> speak the same language - it must be damn near impossible if
> everything's in Chinese

Well, as it happens, I speak Chinese--I used to live in Beijing. But
communication isn't the issue. It's time zones, cultural differences,
program behavior expectations, code structure expectations, and the like.
You have that same issue, often, dealing with programmers in India--even
really good programmers.

I must admit, though, that language is an issue with non-English speakers.
Programming languages are geared towards English speakers--all the keywords,
built-in classes, and the like are English. With the Chinese programmers,
who were very bright, but didn't speak English, I'd see a lot of variable or
function names like x, xx, xx1, xz1, and the like. They are just as
meaningful to a Chinese speaker as spritePos or detectCollision.

And don't get me started on code commenting.


Kerry Thompson

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