On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Jack Doyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You're right, Dwayne, for a lot of non-banner work, 8k vs 3k really
> doesn't
> matter. It can, however, come into play in local memory as tweens are
> created. For example, if an instance of Tweener has 8k worth of code
> driving
> it (not that every instance would take 8k in memory - I'm just talking
> about
> the variables/properties/methods stored for each instance) and you create
> 300 instances, it's that much more that has to get pushed into memory and
> chewed on by the CPU verses 3k worth of code.

About that, I was just looking at Tweener's code, and I don't think that
would be a problem either. It is basically a static class, so there's no
extra memory allocation for tween added, except for a relatively small
TweenListObj pushed into an array.

Or maybe I am wrong and Zeh can correct me ;)

Wagner Amaral
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